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Why must my text be outlined and what does that mean?

Fonts are actually code, backed by specific font files stored on your computer or in an online repository. If we don’t have access to the fonts you’ve used, your file will encounter errors when we open it, and prevent us from preparing your file for the press. Converting your text to outlines changes your text to artwork (shapes) and removes all font information from the file. This means the text is no longer editable, but it also means we avoid font errors and can print your text exactly as intended.


  • Choose the Type tool

  • Do a Select All

  • Go to the Type menu and choose Create Outlines

choose type tool


  • First, delete any elements of the design that you don’t want to print. For example, you might delete the template layer, or any elements of the design that are on a layer you’ve turned off or made invisible.

  • Ensure all remaining layers are visible and unlocked. To do this, go to the Object menu and choose Unlock All and Show All

  • Do a Select All

select all

  • Go to the Type menu and choose Create Outlines

create outlines


  • Right-click on the Type layer and select Rasterize Type

rasterize type

NOTE: If there are any "Smart Objects" used in your file that contain text, you will need to rasterize those as well.

Check for remaining fonts

If you’ve properly converted all the text in the document to outlines, there should no longer be any font information in the file. In Adobe Illustrator and InDesign, you can confirm this by going to the Type menu and selecting Find Font…

You should see a resulting window that says there are zero (0) fonts in your document. If you get a list of one or more fonts, there is un-outlined text that needs to be addressed.

type find font


This document still shows there are fonts in use.

find font incorrect


NO fonts in use.

find font correct

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